What exactly is acceptable church attire? Does God care what you wear?

Fashion inspiration for church outfits

If you know me, you know I’ve always loved going to church. I went with my Seventh-day Adventist mom almost every Saturday and with my Catholic Grandmother on Sundays. There were many things I loved about going to church. I loved learning about the Bible, I loved getting to see my friends, and I absolutely loved dressing up for church. Now I know that’s not one of the reasons why I should enjoy church, but it’s my truth! I think my love of fashion came from here, and you know what? I am proud of that!

My mother always instilled in me that no matter what you do, you should always be properly presentable, especially for God! She always made sure we were in our “Saturday best” because we were going to God’s house! I remember her saying a few times that going to church is like going to the president’s house! You have to look your best to show God how excited and honored you are to be in His presence.

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Growing up Seventh-day Adventist, I was aware that church members did not love my fashion choices. There is a sort of SDA uniform most members wore that I was not willing to take part in! Yes, the Bible says you should be modest and not worried about your outward appearance, but I was going to a King’s house! Plus, I didn’t believe what they thought was appropriate attire to meet a king was respectful at all either! On the contrary, I was always careful to dress respectfully, my skirts weren’t too short, I wore stockings, I only wore unglossy lipgloss (lol), never heavy makeup, and I made sure I was following the guidelines of the church when I stepped out in my church clothes.

women, back, fashion-

I will admit, I definitely pushed boundaries, especially in my teens fashion-wise, when I figured out that some “well-meaning” church mothers were hell-bent on reprimanding me about my fashion choices. I distinctly remember saying to a few of them “God said to be modest not ugly” on many occasions (not proud). Honestly, because of encounters like this, I started doing my own research. I 

wanted to see what God was saying for myself because I knew He couldn’t have an issue with my earrings a church mother made me remove 

before I went into the sanctuary one time, lol.

I know God has a sense of humor because He knew I’d fall in love with the word, and this was the way He got me to pick it up! I was one of those teens that people in church wanted to throw the Bible and their own “religious” rules at, and I found so much pleasure when they realized I actually knew my word and could get anyone together biblically really quick!

The important thing about fashion choices for me was to please God! I will admit that sometimes I went too far and now as an adult I see why… lol

That poses the big question! What exactly is acceptable church attire? Does God care what you wear?

Stylish outfit ideas for church attire

On our journey of faith, the Bible serves as our guiding light, offering timeless wisdom even in the realm of fashion and attire. Let’s explore the insights from Scripture:

Discovering Biblical Treasures on Clothes and Fashion:

1 Timothy 2:9-10: The gentle whisper of modesty and decency echoes through these verses, urging us to adorn ourselves with inner beauty that transcends fleeting trends.

1 Peter 3:3-4: Like a comforting embrace, these words remind us that true beauty emanates from a gentle and quiet spirit, far more precious than any garment of silk or gold.

Deuteronomy 22:5:  In the tapestry of God’s design, these words gently remind us of the sacredness in honoring the distinctions between genders, reflecting His divine order and wisdom.

Genesis 3:21: As tender as a loving embrace, this passage reveals God’s unfailing care and provision, as He tenderly clothed Adam and Eve, shielding them with His love even in their moment of frailty.

Embracing the Heart of Dressing According to the Bible:

In the tender arms of Scripture, we find the gentle guidance to dress with reverence and humility, adorning ourselves not with the trappings of the world but with the quiet elegance of a heart surrendered to God. As we weave our wardrobe with threads of modesty and respect, we honor the sacredness of His presence, weaving a garment of love that envelops us in His grace.

Fashioning Attire in Harmony with Biblical Grace:

For women: Let your attire be a reflection of the inner beauty that radiates from a heart surrendered to God. Embrace modest dresses or skirts, adorned with simplicity and grace, as you walk in the light of His love.

For men: Clothe yourselves with the dignity and honor befitting sons of the Most High. Let your attire speak of humility and respect, echoing the quiet strength of a heart anchored in God’s truth.

In the gentle cadence of Scripture, we find the melody of grace, guiding us to dress not for the approval of man but for the delight of our Heavenly Father. May our fashion choices be a testament to the beauty of a heart transformed by His love, weaving a tapestry of reverence and joy in His presence.


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Renée Bhagwandeen

Renée Bhagwandeen

Hi, I'm Renée Bhagwandeen—model, actress, influencer, coach, graphic designer, and motivational speaker. Welcome to my blog, where I share my intentional journey to live purposefully by following the guidance of the Bible as I navigate life's twists and turns with faith as my anchor