Renee Bhagwandeen

About Renée

Hey, I'm Renée Bhagwandeen! I was born in Trinidad and Tobago and grew up in South Florida. At the age of 18, I began my journey as a fashion model, blessed to travel the world doing what I love. Through every high and low, I've felt the guiding hand of God by my side. Today, I continue to model, while also serving as a coach, motivational speaker, graphic designer, influencer, and devoted woman of faith. Throughout my path, my ultimate quest has been to discern and fulfill my God-given purpose, striving to align myself with His will. This blog isn't about showcasing perfection; it's about the journey of an imperfect soul seeking her purpose, learning, and evolving through the lessons and wisdom found in the Bible. I aim to share my knowledge because I understand the challenges of living a godly life in a world filled with emptiness. I'll also feature others on similar journeys, but the cornerstone here is biblical truth. I firmly believe in the Word of God, and my goal is to live in accordance with His teachings.

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Abraham in the Desert: Journeying through the arid wilderness, symbolizing faith and perseverance.

The Dramatic Scandal of Abraham and Sarah

Alright, y’all, let me tell you about one of my favorite stories from the Bible. This tale of Abraham and Sarah is divinely messy and totally awesome, but I don’t think people always appreciate its full glory.

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The Heart of Love: A Biblical Investigation

Love – it’s like this mystical force that’s so powerful, yet sometimes it feels like we barely scratch the surface of its true essence. But hey, in this beautiful journey through the Scriptures, we’re about to uncover the heart and soul of love itself.

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