Are You Prepared for Reign?

Cover of the book 'Are You Prepared for Reign?' by Renèe Bhagwandeen, showcasing a regal crown with bold, uplifting colors and elegant typography. The design reflects themes of empowerment, faith, and purposeful living central to the book's message.

How to Write the Vision and Pursue Your God-Given Purpose: A Journey with the “Are You Prepared for Reign?” Activity Book

Habakkuk 2:2 says, “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it.” This powerful verse is a guiding light for those of us who have big dreams but feel lost in the pursuit of them. The idea of writing down your goals isn’t just a Biblical suggestion—it’s a divine strategy.

As women, we often find ourselves juggling a multitude of roles. We’re the nurturers, the caretakers, the problem solvers. We carry the weight of the world on our shoulders, always striving to be everything to everyone. But where do we find time to be something for ourselves? How do we create space to chase after our God-given purpose when life demands so much from us?

This is where the “Are You Prepared for Reign?” activity book comes in, serving as more than just a book—it’s a tool, a companion on your journey of self-discovery and purpose. Let’s explore how this book can help you craft your vision, break through your barriers, and step into the life God has planned for you.

The Power of Writing the Vision

Cover of the book 'Are You Prepared for Reign?' by Renèe Bhagwandeen, featuring a vibrant, inspiring design that reflects the book's focus on goal planning, legacy building, and personal growth. The cover showcases elements like a crown, symbolic of empowerment and purpose, set against a backdrop of rich, earthy tones with gold accents, emphasizing the book’s faith-based content and motivational purpose."

Writing down your vision isn’t just a task; it’s a transformative experience. There’s something powerful about putting pen to paper and seeing your dreams laid out in front of you. It’s the first step in making those dreams a reality. The act of writing creates a tangible connection between your mind and your spirit. It takes the abstract ideas floating in your head and brings them into the physical world.

In the “Are You Prepared for Reign?” activity book, you’ll find dedicated pages to help you write out your vision. These aren’t just blank spaces; they’re sacred places where you can pour out your heart, your dreams, and your fears. It’s a space to be honest with yourself and with God about what you really want.

Overcoming the Obstacles to Your Vision

Every journey to purpose is filled with obstacles—some external, but many internal. Self-doubt, fear of failure, and the crippling weight of past mistakes can keep you from pursuing your vision with confidence. But here’s the truth: those obstacles are just a part of the process. They’re not meant to stop you; they’re meant to strengthen you.

The activity book includes sections designed to help you identify and confront these obstacles. With tools like mood boards, journaling pages, and life balance sheets, you can start to see patterns in your thinking and behavior. You’ll begin to recognize the thoughts and actions that have been holding you back. This awareness is the first step in breaking free.

Turning Your Vision into a Plan

Writing the vision is just the beginning. To bring it to life, you need a plan—a real, actionable plan. It’s one thing to say you want to achieve something, but it’s another to map out how you’re going to get there.

“Are You Prepared for Reign?” provides the framework you need to break down your big dreams into manageable steps. With goal-planning sheets and practical activities, you’ll learn how to take those massive, overwhelming dreams and turn them into bite-sized tasks. You’ll discover how to prioritize your time, focus on what matters most, and keep moving forward even when the journey gets tough.

Creating a Legacy Through Purposeful Living

Cover of the book 'Are You Prepared for Reign?' by Renèe Bhagwandeen, featuring a vibrant, inspiring design that reflects the book's focus on goal planning, legacy building, and personal growth. The cover showcases elements like a crown, symbolic of empowerment and purpose, set against a backdrop of rich, earthy tones with gold accents, emphasizing the book’s faith-based content and motivational purpose."

One of the most beautiful aspects of this activity book is its focus on legacy building. It’s not just about achieving goals; it’s about leaving a lasting impact. Whether it’s through your career, your family, or your ministry, God has called you to leave a legacy of faith, hope, and love.

The book encourages you to think deeply about the kind of legacy you want to leave behind. What stories do you want people to tell about you? What values do you want to pass on to the next generation? By engaging with these questions, you’ll start to see your life not just as a series of tasks, but as a divine mission.

Why You Need This Book on Your Christian Journey

This book isn’t just another tool for your spiritual toolbox—it’s the key to unlocking your potential. It’s a guide that helps you to align your life with God’s plan, to write the vision He has placed in your heart, and to run with it.

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the demands of life, to put your own dreams on hold because there’s always someone or something else that needs your attention. But God didn’t create you to live in the shadows of your potential. He called you to reign, to step into your purpose with boldness and confidence.

“Are You Prepared for Reign?” is your invitation to do just that. It’s not just a book; it’s a journey. A journey that will take you from dreaming to doing, from planning to pursuing, from hoping to achieving.

So, what are you waiting for? The vision is already in you. The only question left is, are you ready to reign?Cover of the book 'Are You Prepared for Reign?' by Renèe Bhagwandeen, featuring a vibrant, inspiring design that reflects the book's focus on goal planning, legacy building, and personal growth. The cover showcases elements like a crown, symbolic of empowerment and purpose, set against a backdrop of rich, earthy tones with gold accents, emphasizing the book’s faith-based content and motivational purpose."


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Renée Bhagwandeen

Renée Bhagwandeen

Hi, I'm Renée Bhagwandeen—model, actress, influencer, coach, graphic designer, and motivational speaker. Welcome to my blog, where I share my intentional journey to live purposefully by following the guidance of the Bible as I navigate life's twists and turns with faith as my anchor